Chakradance is a meditative journey of healing and self-discovery, blending music, movement, and mandala art to awaken the energetic centers of the body—the chakras. As you dance, you rebalance and revitalise your energy, releasing blocks caused by life’s challenges, from emotional traumas to environmental toxins. Rooted in ancient rituals that celebrated transitions and connected the spirit with the physical, this practice nourishes your soul, harmonises your inner and outer worlds, and empowers you to thrive. Join us to explore the sacred rhythm of your true self and step into a vibrant, aligned life.
What are the Chakras?
There is more to us than the eye can see…The chakras are the bridge between our inside and outside world.’
In Indian Sanskrit the word Chakra means wheel or disc. The Chakras are the seven energy centres located along the spine. They affect your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. They are located at the major plexuses of arteries, veins and nerves in the location of the endocrine glands. In the West we talk of the Endocrine System – in the East it is known as the Chakra System.
Think of your body as a computer and the Chakras are like our database. The Chakras spin within the body like windmills, channeling the Universal Life Force into and through us. They are part of the energetic body and regulate our energies, emotions and health.
Each Chakra relates to different aspects of our life. The lower Chakras relate to fundamental requirements, such as survival and sexuality. Their effects become elevated to higher level of functions and desires, such as love, communication, intuition and spirituality as they move up the body.
Chakras | Element and Issues | Bija Sounds and Mantras |
SAHASARA- WHITE | Thought – GROWTH, SPIRITUALITY, FAITH, Beyond self – Pituitary Gland | OM – I Understand |
ANJA – PURPLE | Light – CLARITY, VISION, 6th SENSE, Intuition – Pineal Gland | Om – I See |
VISHUDDHI – BLUE | Space – COMMUNICATION, EXPRESSION, Hearing – Thyroid and Throat/Voice | Ham – I Speak |
ANAHATA – GREEN/PINK | Air – LOVE, COMPASSION, TRUST, Touch – Thymus Gland and Heart | Yam – I Love |
MANIPURA – YELLOW | Fire – POWER, CONFIDENCE, WILL, EGO, Sight – Pancreas, Stomach/Spleen | Ram – I Do |
SVADHISTHANA- ORANGE | Water – SEXUALITY , PLEASURE / PAIN, JOY, Taste – Gonads Reproduction/Fertility | Vam – I Feel |
MULADHARA – RED | Earth – GROUNDING, SURVIVAL, Smell – Adrenals, Kidneys, Bladder | Lam – I Am |